Perform the following tasks on the alternate call server:
- Obtain the following information from the administrator on the Wave primary call server:
- Any information required to configure inbound and outbound call routing for ESL users on the Wave.
- Count of ESL feature buttons and associated extensions to be configured for users on the Wave.
- Add a target extension for each ESL feature button defined on phones on the Wave primary call server.
- The target extension is for ESL use only, and should not be used to place or receive calls. Do not associate a physical phone with a target extension.
- The phone type for a target extension must be the same as what Vertical calls the “Edge IP 9800 Series phones”, but it doesn’t necessarily need to be the same model defined for the corresponding user’s extension on the primary Wave.
- Set up call routing to allow inbound calls to reach the target extensions. Also, allow outbound calls (that originate via ESL buttons) to reach the PSTN or other defined locations.
- If your alternate call server is another Wave, routing rules on both the Waves will likely be the same.
- If your alternate call server is a third-party SIP-compatible PBX, follow the inbound and outbound call routing rules for that brand of PBX.