External SIP Line (ESL)


What is ESL?
With ESL, you can use Wave as your primary call server and use another call server for lifeline services and mission-critical applications if the Wave is not available. You can offer ESL only to critical users, or to all Wave users. ...
ESL requirements
Wave supports ESL for the Edge IP 9800 Series phone family. If your alternate call server is not another Wave, it must support the same phone family that is used on the Wave. Vertical calls these “Vertical Edge IP 9800 Series phones”, but t...
How ESL works
You program a feature button on an Edge IP 9800 Series phone as an external SIP line that registers to the alternate call server, instead of to the Wave that the phone is primarily registered to. Each ESL button is associated with an extension ...
Configure ESL on the alternate call server
Perform the following tasks on the alternate call server: Obtain the following information from the administrator on the Wave primary call server: Any information required to configure inbound and outbound call routing for ESL...
Configure ESL on the Wave primary call server
Perform the following tasks on the Wave primary call server: Obtain the following information from the administrator on the alternate call server: IP address of the alternate call server and the port number used for IP telepho...
Obtain SIP authentication passwords in Wave
If SIP authentication is enabled on the alternate call server, you need to enter the SIP authentication password for the target extension when you program an ESL button.  If your alternate call server is a Wave, this informa...
Program ESL on a user’s phone in Wave
An ESL button can be programmed on an individual user’s phone, or for a group of phones or users via a phone template. You can program one or more ESL buttons per phone, with each button pointing to a different extension on the alternate call s...
Test ESL
You can test the ESL button on a phone once inbound and outbound routing is configured on the alternate call server. The Wave primary call server does not need to be down to test ESL. To test making an outbound call via the alternate call s...